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I’m not a native English speaker. Can I teach English in China?

Native English speakers are preferred but not required as long as you have a good command of the English language and do not have much of a foreign accent. There are many teachers in China who were not born in but educated in English speaking countries with not much of a foreign accent. There are many ESL/EFL teachers in China who did not educate in English speaking countries but have taught very well.


What is the best time to travel to China?

Given the vastness of China, its seasons and climates vary depending on when and where you visit. The months of April and October are usually good times to visit. China is uniformly warmed, humid, and rainy in the summer. In contrast, winter weather can vary considerably from city to city. Beijing, for example is very cold in the winter, with afternoon highs averaging only 34 degrees F. The best times to visit Beijing are in the early fall and late spring, especially May and September, with April and October almost as pleasant. Humidity, however, can be high from June to September.


Will there be a job description?

Normally, a school will outline a position and the conditions of employment. That outline includes name and location of the school, minimum qualification for the teacher (BA, MA), subjects to be taught, numbers of classroom contact hours, monthly salary, any additional benefits, accommodation, medical care particulars, allowable holidays, and other information pertinent to the specific school.

Number of contact hours varies with 16- 20 being the norm. Some institutions require more and salary is normally adjusted to accommodate the extra teaching hours. If asked to teach beyond the contracted number of hours, the teacher is paid at a stated rate per hour, as stipulated by the institution. Numbers of teaching hours are stated in the contract.

Regulations state that foreign teachers can reside in China for only 5 years on teaching contracts before needing to leave China for at least 2 years before returning to teach.


What a Foreign Expert Card?

This card is needed if you are a foreign teacher in China. Its main use is by you/your school to change part of your salary (up to 70% monthly) into hard currency. This is their verification and your proof that the exchange has taken place. At one time, the card could be used for discount airfares/train fares in China. This was because fares for Chinese and foreigners differed greatly. Fares are now supposed to be equal and the card has no real effect in travel rates. It might help in some hotels.


How can Chinajob.com help me find a job?

Normally, a school will outline a position and the conditions of employment. That outline includes name and location of the school, minimum qualification for the teacher (BA, MA), subjects to be taught, numbers of classroom contact hours, monthly salary, any additional benefits, accommodation, medical care particulars, allowable holidays, and other information pertinent to the specific school. Number of contact hours varies with 16- 20 being the norm. Some institutions require more and salary is normally adjusted to accommodate the extra teaching hours. If asked to teach beyond the contracted number of hours, the teacher is paid at a stated rate per hour, as stipulated by the institution. Numbers of teaching hours are stated in the contract. Regulations state that foreign teachers can reside in China for only 5 years on teaching contracts before needing to leave China for at least 2 years before returning to teach.